Sunday, October 21, 2007

mosaic crosses

Yesterday I grouted the four crosses from last week, I think they turned out great. My dad makes the beautiful wooden bases for the crosses, he uses oak and walnut and maple.

I love to hang out in dad's garage with him, this is where I mosaic (and paint fabric, and work with clay, and do my rust projects).
The cross below has a gorgeous raku piece in the center, created by my friend Lisa. She is an amazing artist. (

Mom is there too, she watches and I ask her opinion on colors and design.
This summer we made a large cross for my brother's church and mom did it with me. And she always helps me grout, she could spend hours doing the final cleaning and shining.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm one of the lucky ones! I have a mosaic cross sitting on my desk. These are stellar, thanks for letting us see them!