Sunday, August 19, 2007

What a weekend

We finally finished the mosaic cross for my brother's church, it is 18 inches across and 30 inches tall, with each section being six inches wide.
As you can tell, my photo skills need to be improved.
I also finished some buttons and shawl pins and listed a few on etsy, along with the toothpick holders and fabric pins. Maybe this weekend I can work on new kits I have ideas for.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mosaic shawl pins, pendants, buttons in process

I won't be grouting until this weekend, then will have these up on etsy Sunday. At the far left you can see the blank bases that I mosaic on. The donuts are brass and intended to be shawl pins, you could attach them to a dress or coat or anything. I add a stick pin with a matching cabachon on the head. The round and oval bases are brass or silver plated, I started making them as buttons to attach to a special felted, knit, crocheted or stitched purse and would attach a button shank to the back. I could also attach a pin back or add jump rings for a necklace, so I when I list these I will let the customer decide what they want it to be.

Off to work at my day job...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Textured Turtle does clay...

well I haven't finished the mosaic buttons and shawl pins I started this weekend, I am working on a large mosaic cross for my brother's church. It is coming along great, my mom is helping and I think it is much better with two of us than me working alone. So I didn't get the mosaic pins done but I did find these.

Not great pictures, but I will try again and list some of these on etsy.

Last summer I played around with clay, dad has a kiln. I made ceramic fish and flowers for the garden, some pendants and buttons, pencil cups and these. I just love them, you can use them for toothpicks or Q-tips, I have two at work for my paper clips. They are hand formed and textured, then I added a little hole (before firing) so I could add some fibers and beads. You know I can't do anything plain-LOL.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What can you do with a fiber art kit?

Tobi Tate used a purple fiber art kit to make this fabulous piece!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Funky Journal Cover

Check out the great journal cover my friend Gail made from one of my kits, I love it and am working on kits that include a piece of latch hook for the spine as well as extra yarns and fabric strips.

Sand and Sea seems to be a favorite theme so I painted more cloth to go into kits. I still need to add the fabric backing and batting and stitch, although I may list some fabric unstitched. Since I like hand stitching more than machine, I figured customers would want fabric already stitched, but unstitched may be better for some applications. If anyone is reading this I would love some opinions.

And finally, I will be making some more mosaic shawl pins and buttons tbis weekend to list on etsy. These are pics of ones previously sold.